Lake Hartwell — is without a doubt the most beautiful lake — by a dam site — in the Southeastern United States.  Being fed by two rivers that come right out of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the water in Lake Hartwell is reported to be more pure than in many municipal water systems.  Standing on a boat dock you can look down through 10-12 feet of crystal clear water at small pebbles on the bottom of the lake.

Lake Hartwell covers a land area of 56,000 acres and has a shoreline of 962 miles. Stretched out in one straight line, this would span the distance from Atlanta, Georgia to Buffalo, New York.

Unlike some of the smaller lakes nearer Atlanta, Lake Hartwell is neither crowded nor contaminated.

Having a depth of up to 202 feet, the 21 species of edible fish in Lake Hartwell have plenty of room to navigate – and yet they seem readily available to latch onto minnows, artificial lures and other fish bait.

Having a width of approximately six miles at its widest point, the views at Lake Hartwell are both picturesque and panoramic.  And yet, there are innumerable deep protected coves – primarily South of I-85 – that provide peaceful tranquility as in days of old.

Out on the main body of the Lake at sunset, one is afforded a truly panoramic view of a glittering stream of red across several miles of sky blue water – as the sun disappears beyond the horizon.

Shortly thereafter, the lights on the dam come on – creating the illusion of a small but well lighted city in the background.  When the moon appears – in its various stages – on both sides of full – a glittering band of yellowish gold light reaches out endlessly towards your boat – progressively diminishing in length, as the moon gets higher.  On occasion, when there are scattered clouds below the moon – their reflection in the clear waters of Lake Hartwell give the appearance of a giant mirror.

It is only fitting that a Lake as beautiful as Lake Hartwell be located in the quiet serene atmosphere of a rural type setting – and yet be located only 1.5 hours from Atlanta – only 1.5 hours from Highlands, North Carolina – only 45 minutes from Athens, Georgia and the University of Georgia – only 25 minutes from Anderson, South Carolina – and only one hour from Greenville, South Carolina.

On the Georgia side of the lake – the main body of Lake Hartwell borders Hart County. On a clear day – from many parts of Hart County, you can see the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background.  Hart County has churches of nearly every denomination; an excellent school system,; a well equipped hospital; several dentists, doctors and surgeons; many shopping centers; two excellent 18 hole golf courses – and a terrific amount of clean fresh air.

Hart County also has 24,278 first class people and about four old grouches!  Hart County is an excellent place to be born – to grow up – to go to school – to work – and to retire in.  It has all the advantages of the larger metropolitan areas – and very few – if any of the disadvantages.  There are those in Hart County who have traveled over a good portion of the world and vow that they have never visited a place where they would rather live than Hart County.

Lake Hartwell is a terrific place for a summer home.  Some as far away as Miami, Florida maintain summer homes on the lake.  Most summer homes on the lake are well insulated and have fireplaces – primarily because their owners use them as vacation homes year-round.

Considering the close proximity of Atlanta, Georgia;  Athens, Georgia;  and Greenville, South Carolina – Lake Hartwell property is considered to be an excellent investment.  Of course – with all the desirable features of the lake – it just can’t help but be.